Find a list of downloads of our software, updates, manuals and more on this page. Note that our software tools run on Mac OS X, only the Mini-batcorder settings tool comes as Mac and Windows version. All our current software versions require Mac OS X 11 or newer. Older apps are downwards compatible to 10.9 and 10.7 as noticed per download.
bcAdmin 4 Version 2023
available since 24. January 2024bcAdmin4 (1.3.9) for all users with a license including updates until 2023. This version works with any valid license for 2023. All users with license beyond 2023 are recommended to update to the newest available version.
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batIdent 1.5
available since 26. July 2023batIdent inkl. R3.0.0 für Mac OS X ab 10.7; dies ist der empfohlene Download!
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bcAnalyze 4 and Pro-Features Abo
available through Mac App Store
Analyse your bat call recordings using tools like sonagram, spectrum or call overlays with reference data
bcAdmin 4
available since 4. April 2024Release 1.4.2 of bcAdmin 4 - needs a license going until 2024 or longer. New users can test bcAdmin 4 for 30 days free of a license. bcAdmin 4 is the new workhorse for your analysis and reports. Learn more about bcAdmin 4.
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bcAdmin 4 Version 2021
available since 13. April 2023bcAdmin4 for all users with licenses ending 2021. If you have a license including newer versions, please download the most recent for your license.
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bcAdmin 4 Version 2020
available since 13. April 2023bcAdmin4 (1.0.51) for all users with licenses ending 2020. If you have a license including newer versions, please download the most recent for your license.
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bcAdmin4 - version 2019
available since 1. January 2020bcAdmin4 for users with license valid until 2019. The version 1.0.33 was the last published in 2019 and can be used by all users without a license after 2019.
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Mini-batcorder Mac 2.0
available since 29. May 2020Use this free software to adjust settings of your Mini-batcorder. Includes features from firmware 1.08
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Mini-batcorder Windows V1_6_13
available since 28. September 2020Adjust the settings of your Mini-batcorder
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available since 22. September 2023Application for creating a machine learning Model for Parasiten detection in bcAdmin 4 including the Basic ecoObs Data and your own parasite data. Requires macOS 12 or newer
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Download older versions. Note we do not support those anymore, they are here for legacy reasons.
Show older versions
bcAdmin 3.5.6
available since 25. July 2018
Legacy version bcAdmin 3.5.6 for Mac OS X 10.7 to 10.9 . The application runs for 30 days with all features in trial mode. From the on a license is necessary. If you are running Mc OS X 10.10 or newer, please use the most current version.
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bcAnalyze 2.0
available since 9. March 2012
Legacy download of full version. Running for 30 days in trial mode with all features. Used for manual call analysis of raw and wave files.
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bcAnalyze Standard Version 1.16
available since 7. March 2011
Legacy download for manual sound analysis. Works with raw and wave files. 30 day trial mode, for further use a license is necessary.
MD5 hash of the file bcAnalyze-1.16.pkg:
batIdent Installer
available since 2. March 2010
Old version for Mac OS X 10.5 and 10.6. Please use this version with R 2.15.0!
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bcAdmin 2.2 Installer
available since 12. April 2012
Full version including a 30 days trial mode. After 30 days testing a valid license key is needed. bcAdmin 2 is not supported anymore and listed for legacy reasons only.
MD5 hash of the file bcAdmin2-Install.dmg:
KML-Import-Plugin für bcAdmin 2.0
available since 12. September 2018
Import von KML Daten als Standorte in bcAdmin 2 - kostenlos
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Geo Plugin für bcAdmin 2.0
available since 20. August 2012
Geo Plugin zur Georeferenzierung von Aufnahmen. Diese Version kann mit Einschränkungen auch ohne Lizenz getestet werden.
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WKA-Plugin für bcAdmin 2.0
available since 6. December 2012
WKA-Plugin zur Auswertung von Gondelmonitoring-Daten. Nur mit gültiger Lizenz verwendbar.
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Manual for bcAdmin 4
available since 27. May 2024Please download our manual for bcAdmin 4 in english. Updated in May 2024
MD5 hash of the file bcAdmin4.0en-1.pdf:
bcAdmin Manual 3.0
available since 8. August 2014Manual for bcAdmin 3.6.x
MD5 hash of the file Manual-bcAdmin3-2.pdf:
bcAnalyze 3 Manual
available since 15. March 2019Manual for bcAnalyze 3
MD5 hash of the file bcAnalyzeManualV3-1.pdf:
bcAnalyze 2 Manual
available since 12. September 2018Anleitung zum Programm bcAnalyze 2.0
MD5 hash of the file Manual-bcAnalyze2.pdf:
batIdent Manual 1.0
available since 13. July 2013Manual for application batIdent
MD5 hash of the file Manual-batIdent-en.pdf:
batcorder Manual 3.1
available since 26. June 2023Manual for batcorder version 3.1, version from March 2022
MD5 hash of the file batcorder-3_1-en-3_12-Maer_2022.pdf:
batcorder Manual 3.0
available since 13. May 2013manual for batcorder 3.0
MD5 hash of the file batcorder-Manual-300.pdf:
Manual for Extension 4.0
available since 5. April 2023Manual for Extension 4.0
MD5 hash of the file Extension_4_0-en-1_01.pdf:
Manual GSM-batcorder 1.0 4G
available since 26. April 2023Manual for GSM-batcorder 1.0 4G, Version 1.03
MD5 hash of the file GSM-BC-manual-en-1_03-komplett.pdf:
Manual for GSM-batcorder
available since 11. March 2019Installation and usage of the GSM-batcorder - Manual 1.0
MD5 hash of the file GSM-BC-manual-english-1_0.pdf:
Manual for mast microphone
available since 26. June 2023Manual for the GSM-batcorder mast microphone
MD5 hash of the file Turmmikrofon-Anleitung-en-1.02-komplett-1.pdf:
wind turbine extension version 3.0
available since 30. September 2016Most current manual for the wind turbine extension 3.0 for batcorder 2/3
MD5 hash of the file WKA-3_0.pdf:
Box extension version 3.0
available since 6. September 2016Most current manual version for the box extension for batcorder 2 and 3
MD5 hash of the file WBX_3_0_en.pdf:
Mini-batcorder Manual
available since 19. March 2019Quickguide to the Mini-batcorder
MD5 hash of the file Mini-batcorder-quick-guide-1.pdf:
FAQs and other
HowTo "Automatic bat call analysis with the batcorder system"
available since 23. June 2010Helps to interpret the results of batIdent and explains some of the statistical background
MD5 hash of the file Automatic-bat-call-analysis.pdf:
Example recordings
Variation of the calls of native bat species
available since 4. June 2018The example of recordings of native species shows the variations of the calls. The recordings are edited in such a way that typical calls without the typical call spacing are provided as time-delayed calls (10-fold stretch). They can thus be viewed with any software.
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5fd1829de141d8245407b7bb8c16e682Example recordings for the test of our software
available since 15. January 2010Download two nights with batcorder 1 shots from the beautiful northern Bavaria and try out our software.
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GSM-batcorder - Update to SW122
available since 4. March 2025Update for GSM-batcorder and GSM-batcorder 4G to firmware 117
MD5 hash of the file GSM1_122.bin:
batcorder 3.0/3.1 - Update to SW 330
available since 4. March 2025MD5 hash of the file UPDAT330.bin:
batcorder 2 - Update to SW 222
available since 7. May 2024MD5 hash of the file UPDAT222.bin:
batcorder 1 - Update to SW111
available since 17. January 2019MD5 hash of the file UPDAT111.bin:
Mini-bc - Update to SW 113
available since 6. July 2020MD5 hash of the file M-BC_113.bin: