Updates – Mini-batcorder 1.0 only

Please use appropriate batcorder firmware according to your batcorders 1, 2 or 3.
Using other firmware versions – for example 3xx with batcorder 2.0 – can destroy your hardware beyond repair!


MD5 hash of the file M-BC_113.bin:

Updates – Mini-batcorder 1.0 only

Find changes, additions etc through firmware updates

Changes SW113
  • 55 years ago Add HFS+ formatted Mini-batcorder are now automatically changed to FAT32
Changes SW112
  • 55 years ago Update Improved recording of loud calls with 6dB boost active
  • 55 years ago none Recommended update
Changes SW110
  • 55 years ago none You need most current version of the Mini Windows software (MINI-BC V1_4_10.exe) to setup your Mini-batcorder
  • 55 years ago Update Power management when GPS in use improved for longer runtimes
Changes SW109
  • 55 years ago Update Improved display when charging
  • 55 years ago Update Improved sensitivity
Changes SW108
  • 55 years ago none The following new features are available only if you use the Mac Software 2.0 for Mini-batcorder or the Windows version 1_3_08. Please update!
  • 55 years ago Add PIN lock allows to secure certain settings
  • 55 years ago Add SD card write protection can now be enabled
  • 55 years ago Add SD card can now be deleted directly from the software
  • 55 years ago Add +6 dB boost: double the analogue amplification to gain recording distance
  • 55 years ago Fixed various bug fixes
Changes SW104
  • 55 years ago Fixed Battery-LED now correctly displays status directly after turning on
  • 55 years ago Add Battery-LED flashes when external USB power source is connected while the Mini is turned on
  • 55 years ago Update GPS search in stealth mode stops after 20 instead of 60 minutes

Changes SW113
  • 55 years ago Add HFS+ formatted Mini-batcorder are now automatically changed to FAT32
Changes SW112
  • 55 years ago Update Improved recording of loud calls with 6dB boost active
  • 55 years ago none Recommended update
Changes SW110
  • 55 years ago none You need most current version of the Mini Windows software (MINI-BC V1_4_10.exe) to setup your Mini-batcorder
  • 55 years ago Update Power management when GPS in use improved for longer runtimes
Changes SW109
  • 55 years ago Update Improved display when charging
  • 55 years ago Update Improved sensitivity
Changes SW108
  • 55 years ago none The following new features are available only if you use the Mac Software 2.0 for Mini-batcorder or the Windows version 1_3_08. Please update!
  • 55 years ago Add PIN lock allows to secure certain settings
  • 55 years ago Add SD card write protection can now be enabled
  • 55 years ago Add SD card can now be deleted directly from the software
  • 55 years ago Add +6 dB boost: double the analogue amplification to gain recording distance
  • 55 years ago Fixed various bug fixes
Changes SW104
  • 55 years ago Fixed Battery-LED now correctly displays status directly after turning on
  • 55 years ago Add Battery-LED flashes when external USB power source is connected while the Mini is turned on
  • 55 years ago Update GPS search in stealth mode stops after 20 instead of 60 minutes